Achieving the Unthinkable, Poetry of a Rich Project Girl, New - download pdf

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Achieving the Unthinkable, Poetry of a Rich Project Girl, New - download pdf

Achieving the Unthinkable, Poetry of a Rich Project Girl, New - download pdf

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Achieving the Unthinkable, Poetry of a Rich Project Girl, New In the book "Achieving the Unthinkable: Poetry of a Rich Project Girl," the author explores the transformative power of faith, personal growth, business ethics, and the beauty of poetry in a deeply divided world. Divided into two distinct parts, the book takes readers on a journey of self-discovery and inspiration. Part I: Business Ethics The book commences with a thought-provoking reflection on the role of faith in overcoming life's most formidable obstacles. Through personal experiences, the author has learned the virtues of humility, gratitude, and the reciprocal nature of blessings. A fundamental belief underpins the narrative: when much is given, much is expected in return. This philosophy underscores the importance of treating others with kindness and respect, driven by a profound connection with God. As the narrative unfolds, it delves into contemporary issues such as division, the tragic loss of innocent lives, the far-reaching consequences of racism on poverty, and the struggles faced by minority-owned businesses. These discussions serve as a compelling call to action, urging readers to reflect on these pressing issues and collaborate on bringing about positive change. It becomes clear that division and constant conflict are obstacles to collective growth. Rooted in the author's upbringing in the challenging environment of the B.W. Cooper Housing Projects and their study of the Bible, the book illuminates the essential qualities that define successful businesspeople. It underscores that business is deeply personal, built on a foundation of unwavering ethics and morals. The belief that God orchestrates encounters and experiences in our lives for a reason shines through, as they impart valuable lessons to navigate the complexities of personal, professional, and spiritual journeys. Part II: Poetry The book's second part offers readers an intimate glimpse into the author's inner world through a collection of poetry. These poems testify to the author's personal journey, a source of inspiration for those facing adversity, and a balm for the soul. Throughout the book, it's evident that these two parts are intricately connected. They emphasize the importance of maintaining an intense spiritual center while navigating the tumultuous waters of the business world. "Achieving the Unthinkable" resonates with the guiding light of Jeremiah 29:11, emphasizing that obstacles are not insurmountable roadblocks but stepping stones to personal growth and character development. The book serves as a call to action, inspiring readers to overcome adversity, uphold their principles and integrity, and maintain a profound connection with God. It's a testament to the enduring power of faith and offers inspiration to those seeking success while nurturing their spiritual journey. In "Achieving the Unthinkable: Poetry of a Rich Project Girl," readers will discover a captivating narrative that encourages personal growth, unity, and the enduring power of faith, all within the context of the narrative is more than just a call to action; it addresses pertinent issues such as racism, division, and the adverse effects of poverty on minority-owned businesses.

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